106 research outputs found

    Research on the ultrasonic testing of defect for LY12 aluminum alloy based on transmission wave in lamb wave

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    Aimed at the problem that the ultrasonic testing is applied in defect of LY12 aluminum alloy by using liquid or semi-solid coupling agent, transfer matrix method and gas-solid boundary conditions of ultrasonic wave propagation is used for establishing mathematic model in LY12 aluminum alloy, and this model is solved to obtain the propagation characteristic curve. When cut-off frequency is less than 2 MHz·mm, it has only S0 modal. The simulation result provides proper parameters for ultrasonic testing, in which the incidence angle is 30° and the center frequency is 1 MHz. The different circuit defect for LY12 aluminum alloy is made and detected, and time domain waveform is obtained. The experimental results show that the diameter of the defects has a little influence on the amplitude of the direct wave, defect wave amplitude decreases gradually with the increase of the defect diameter

    HIV/AIDS knowledge in detention in Hunan province, China

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    BACKGROUND: Injection drug use (IDU) is one of the major modes of HIV transmission in China. Drug use is illegal in China, all identified drug users are registered by Public Security Bureau, and most were sent to detention; most detainees engaged in high risk behaviours. In order to well understand the HIV/AIDS knowledge among detainees, a survey was conducted in different detention settings in Hunan province in 2008 to assess knowledge and attitudes about HIV among detainees and to provide useful information for HIV prevention and intervention strategies in detention centers. METHODS: A cross-sectional survey was conducted in 10 detentions in Hunan province, China, and demographic information along with knowledge and attitude of HIV/AIDS was collected through standardized interviews. Descriptive statistics were used to describe HIV knowledge, attitudes, and education services among detainees. RESULTS: There were 956 detainees interviewed from 10 detention centers. The male to female ratio was 2.24:1. The majority detainees received nine years of compulsory education, accounting for 51.5%. There were nine questions to assess HIV/AIDS knowledge of detainees, and 35.7% of those surveyed answered all nine questions correctly. There were 92.3% (882/956) who consented to be informed about the HIV antibody test results when tested, and 81% (774/956) elected that their family members were also informed. All detention centers had an organized HIV/AIDS education program. CONCLUSION: This study gives us an overview about HIV/AIDS knowledge in detention in Hunan province, and all detention sites in the study provided HIV/AIDS intervention services among detainees that focused on HIV/AIDS knowledge, attitude, and health behaviors

    VeRi3D: Generative Vertex-based Radiance Fields for 3D Controllable Human Image Synthesis

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    Unsupervised learning of 3D-aware generative adversarial networks has lately made much progress. Some recent work demonstrates promising results of learning human generative models using neural articulated radiance fields, yet their generalization ability and controllability lag behind parametric human models, i.e., they do not perform well when generalizing to novel pose/shape and are not part controllable. To solve these problems, we propose VeRi3D, a generative human vertex-based radiance field parameterized by vertices of the parametric human template, SMPL. We map each 3D point to the local coordinate system defined on its neighboring vertices, and use the corresponding vertex feature and local coordinates for mapping it to color and density values. We demonstrate that our simple approach allows for generating photorealistic human images with free control over camera pose, human pose, shape, as well as enabling part-level editing

    FAITHSCORE: Evaluating Hallucinations in Large Vision-Language Models

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    We introduce FAITHSCORE (Faithfulness to Atomic Image Facts Score), a reference-free and fine-grained evaluation metric that measures the faithfulness of the generated free-form answers from large vision-language models (LVLMs). The FAITHSCORE evaluation first identifies sub-sentences containing descriptive statements that need to be verified, then extracts a comprehensive list of atomic facts from these sub-sentences, and finally conducts consistency verification between fine-grained atomic facts and the input image. Meta-evaluation demonstrates that our metric highly correlates with human judgments of faithfulness. We collect two benchmark datasets (i.e. LLaVA-1k and MSCOCO-Cap) for evaluating LVLMs instruction-following hallucinations. We measure hallucinations in state-of-the-art LVLMs with FAITHSCORE on the datasets. Results reveal that current systems are prone to generate hallucinated content unfaithful to the image, which leaves room for future improvements. Further, we find that current LVLMs despite doing well on color and counting, still struggle with long answers, relations, and multiple objects

    Study on the Information Literacy Instruction Cases of America Academic Library: a Case of Otterbein University Library

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    Taking the information literacy instruction of Otterbein University library, for example, combining related research materials achieved from American academic libraries, the paper introduced the cooperation model, the main contents, the teaching methods, the applications of new technologies in information literacy of American academic library, summarized the characteristics and analyzed the meanings of the information literacy of America academic libraries for Chinese academic libraries
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